Peerless Non Technical Writing Context

Give context explaining the causes and consequences in the real world.
Non technical writing context. Ensuring your audience. However she is not a technical person. Review the elements and steps to help with your writing.
Here is the Checklist of the Writing Process from the opening pages of the Handbook of Technical Writing. Context is important but too much will get in the way of your message as you digress and too little makes your writing hard for the reader to understand. Thus avoiding to a certain extent unwanted interpretation.
Technical writing is writing done to educate inform or direct someone on how to do something. I basically thought proper writing was novel writing the kind that Ernest Hemingway or Dostoevsky did. Whole numbers from one through one hundred round numbers and any number beginning a sentence.
Your approach to technical writing should be the same approach you take to non-technical writing. Tailoring you technical talk so that non-technical people can understand you. - A written information which is specialized and directed towards a specific group of people.
The type of audience identified will shape your documents format terminology style and technical level. Consider the sample. A dear person to me has started her own small publishing company psychology related books -- completely non-technical and she uses Microsoft Word.
Breaking through the Invisible Boundaries of Global Business explores not just expectations and understandings informed by culture but also how different. I believe its better for everyone if a software developer uses proper technical terms when communicating with non-technical people in a way they can understand it. I have the idea to get her to try to use LaTeX or ConTeXt rather than Word.